About MyTrueWay

Who am I ?
Faisal - Kuwait.
I'm recently involving in a study management program in the United States.  

What is MyTrueWay ?
MyTrueWay is a Blog that presents and convey the truth message in different subjects to individuals blog readers of whom i think they have valuable knowledge to share by interacting via comments, emails, questions, writings and postings.

MyTrueWay message can be accepted or declined.
in this blog, we don't have to say every thing we know but we have to know everything we say.

What is my main interest ?
In My Summaries page, i will brief and post some of my books readings about what I'm learning in the mentioned management program and i will try to make it useful to grow and utilize it within our community and work.

“Whenever you have truth it must be given with love, or the message and the messenger will be rejected”

To contact me ..
please email  ALKABTIN@GMAIL.COM

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